Selective Academic CV

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 Photo: Artie Limmer




October 29, 2012
Selective CURRICULUM VITAE for lektor, fil.dr. Cynthia M. Grund

(Associate Professor, Dr. Cynthia M. Grund)

Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions
University of Southern Denmark at Odense
Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark

Telephone: +45 6550 2864
Cell phone: +45 2025 2432
Skype: cynthiamgrund



NordForsk-funded Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics. Grund is Project Manager and Network Coordinator, as she was when NNIMIPA was NordPlus-funded 2007-2010.

IFPR-SDU Research program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound: Cross-Disciplinary Interplay between the Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice. Grund is Research Director and has been since 2006.

JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning, an international interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research |  Humanities (FKK). Founded by Grund in 2003, who is its Editor-in-Chief.

Netværk for Tværvidenskabelige Studier af Musik og Betydning/Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning. Established in 2001 with a grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities (FKK). Grund was the chief applicant.

The Royal Musical Association (UK) Music and Philosophy Study Group. Grund is a member of the Advisory Board.

The Philosophy Meets Popular Culture Initiative. Co-established by Grund in 2005.

Personal professional website.              

Professional website generated by SDU’s content management system.
























Précis: Grund contemplated a career as a professional accompanist(piano) before deciding to concentrate on an academic career which has included mathematics, logic, formal philosophy, aesthetics and culture studies. The third woman ever to be appointed to a tenured academic position in a philosophy department in a Danish university, Grund received her training in the United States (BA, Bryn Mawr College), Sweden (ABD, Uppsala U.) and Finland (FT/fil.dr., University of Tampere). She defended her Finnish doctoral thesis Constitutive Counterfactuality: The Logic of Interpretation in Metaphor and Music (Copenhagen: Askeladden 1997, ISBN 87-89288-18-1) in 1997. Grund is currently Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Institute for the Study of Culture (IKV) at The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) – Odense. She is responsible for the comprehensive progression of logic courses at IKV-SDU. She is an implementer of study and research in Denmark in generalized philosophy of music (see and leads the Philosophy Meets Popular Culture Initiative ( Grund was the original chief applicant for NTSMB: Netværk for Tværvidenskabelige Studier af Musik og Betydning/Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning,, which was started in 2001 with a two-year network-founding grant (600,000 Danish kroner) from the Danish Research Council for the Humanities – SHF (now known as The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities – FKK). Grund has been the director of NTSMB since its inception and as such spearheaded a conference or seminar every semester under NTSMB-sponsorship through and inclucing the spring semester of 2010; the actitivities which took place under the aegis of NTSMB 2001-2010 now have been subsumed by the activities of The Aesthetics of Music and Sound, NNIMIPA and JMM (see below). Grund also is a founder and the Editor-in-Chief of JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning, which was awarded a grant of 75,000 Danish kroner  for 2008-2010 and a  grant of 90,000 Danish kroner for 2011-2014 from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities – FKK. Previous to her appointment to the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at SDU in 1999, she was an originator of the research network Metaphor, Culture and Cognition which received SHF-funding from 1995-1997. She was associated with the NOS-H (Nordisk samarbeidsnemd for humanistisk forskning)-sponsored project entitled Interpretation, Literature and Identity - Approaches to the Methodology of Interpretation at the rank of Assistant Professor (Forskningsadjunkt) 1996-1998. Grund became a member of the Organizing Committee for PhiLog, The Danish Network for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications in January 2002 ( She served as Vice-Chairman of the Danish Philosophical Association,, 2002-2003, as Secretary 2003-2010 and is currently a member of the Executive Board. Grund was officially appointed as External Examiner (beskikket som censor) by the Danish Ministry of Education in the Joint Censor Corps for Philosophy covering Aalborg University, Aarhus University, The Danish University of Education (now the Danish School of Education – Aarhus University), University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark, Roskilde University (Fælles censorkorps for filosofi - Aalborg Universitet, Aarhus Universitet, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (nu Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet), Københavns Universitet, Syddansk Universitet, Roskilde Universitetscenter) for the period April 1, 1998 – March 31, 2002. Appointment renewed: April 1, 2002 – March 31, 2006; April 1, 2006 – March 31, 2010; April 1, 2010 – March 31, 2014.  Grund was also appointed External Examiner in the Joint Censor Corps for History of Literature at Aarhus University and Literature at University of Copenhagen (Fællescensorcorps for Litteraturhistorie, AU, og Litteraturvidenskab KU og SDU). Appointment: April 1, 2002 – March 31, 2006.


Grund was Scholar in Residence at Whitehall, Berkeley’s American home from 1729-1731 in Middletown, Rhode Island in July 2008, July 2009 and once again August 13-30, 2009. She has published and lectured on the ways in which aspects of the immaterialist philosophy of Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753) are relevant to issues of logic and ontology with regard to topics involving perception and virtual reality (VR). Grund has co-developed a virtual teaching museum on this topic in Second Life, an open access online 3D virtual environment.

Grund has recently been active within the international conference organizations CMMR (Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval), ICMC (International Computer Music Conference), ICAD (International Conference on Auditory Display) and ISMIR (International Conference on Music Information Retrieval), functioning both as peer reviewer and paper presenter. She has also presented papers for ASA (The American Society for Aesthetics), IBS (International Berkeley Society) and ICMS (International Conference on Musical Signification). Her publications include work in philosophy of music, logic and meaning; work investigating the potential for research in information technology to revolutionize musical aesthetics; and work which examines the manner in which philosophy interfaces with popular culture. She has served as peer reviewer for the journals The British Journal of Aesthetics, Orbis Litterarum and Sats.

In the fall of 2006 Grund was named Research Director (forskningsleder) for the IFPR*-SDU research program Musikkens og lydens æstetik - Et tværfagligt samspil mellem humaniora, teknologi og musikalsk praksis now known exclusively by its English title The Aesthetics of Music and Sound – Cross-Disciplinary Interplay between the Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice, a joint effort involving SDU, AAUE (Aalborg University Esbjerg/Esbjerg Institute of Technology) and SMKS ( Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole/Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Odense and Esbjerg). See She became a certified research director in 2009 after completing the course Research Management Course/Uddannelse for forskningsledere at Copenhagen Business School/Handelshøjskolens Efteruddannelsescenter in September 2009. In 2007 Grund founded the NordPlus-supported Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics, NNIMIPA: On June 30, 2010 it was announced that NNIMIPA had been awarded a NordForsk grant of 571,239 Norwegian kroner (ca. 535,000 Danish kroner/88,000 US dollars). The decision was made by the director of NordForsk following an evaluation carried out by a panel of independent experts. NNIMIPA thus became a research network under NordForsk September 1, 2010 – August 1, 2013 with Grund as project leader.  In September 2010 Grund was appointed a member of the advisory board of the Music and Philosophy Study Group of The Royal Musical Association (UK)

Grund submitted a successful application to bring William Westney (Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Piano and Browning Artist-in-Residence School of Music, Texas Tech University) to The University of Southern Denmark as H.C. Andersen Visiting Professorial Fellow during the 2009-2010 academic year and was faculty contact person for Westney during this period. Grund and Westney are currently engaged in extensive cooperative research.  Their work explores the ways in which issues raised by music pedagogy and the practice of music, in particular concert piano performance, are informed by philosophy and vice versa; see and  Grund and Westney gave a paper - "Embodying Music: Susanne K. Langer’s Ideas of ‘Living Form’ and Martin Buber's Notion of verwirklichen as These Apply to Group Exercises in a Classical-Music Workshop" at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) in Victoria, Canada, October 27-30, 2010 and  delivered the paper - "A Discourse Addressing the Themes of Beauty, Utility and Experimental Aesthetics in Broadly Humean Terms" at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the ASA in Tampa, Florida, October 36-29, 2011. July 2, 2011 Grund and Westney gave a presentation entitled "Pathways to Authenticity in Operatic Interpretation" at the Inaugural Conference of the Royal Musical Association's Music and Philosophy Study Group, Dept. of Music, King’s College London, 1 &2 July 2011 and during the fall of 2011, Grund and Westney also gave joint presentations  at Texas Tech University, University of Texas (Austin), and University of Southern Denmark at Odense.  As of January 2012, Grund is a member of a team led by Westney at TTU to carry out the project Technological and Aesthetic Investigation of the Physical Movemnents of Pianists within the newly-founded  Transdisciplinary Research Academy at TTU and, along with Westney, is working together withDr.Michael W. O'Boyle - Ph.D.; Assistant  Director, Texas Tech Neuroimaging Inst.; Assoc. Dean for Research, College of Human Sciences: Prof., Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies Texas TTU Prof. of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, School of Medicine, TTU Health Sciences Center; and Dr. Jingzhou (James) Yang, Assistant Prof. and Director of Human-Centric Design Research Lab, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, TTU. For a presentation of the team as well as "Musical Movements and Meanings", video film and explanatory text published on YouTube on 31/07/2012 by TTUAcademicsResearch to document the beginning of the research project, please see

During the latter part of 2012, Grund and Westney gave a presentation entitled "What’s so Mysterious about the Ineffable?" at the NMIMIPA Network Meeting July 22, 2012, King's College London on the occasion of the second annual conference of the RMA-MPSG (Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study breiGroup) held at King’s College London on July 20-21, 2012 and  on October 25, 2012 they presented a paper entitled  “From Music to Sport and Back Again: A Continuum Hypothesis” at the 70th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Aesthetics, St. Louis, Missouri, USA,  During October, Grund also worked on site with the resident TTU-TRA team in Lubbock, Texas on the project Technological and Aesthetic Investigation of the Physical Movements of Pianists. For a documentary photo essay, please see


*IFPR is the abbreviation for "Institut for Filosofi, Pædagogik og Religionsstudier" (Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions). This SDU institute ceased to exist as of August 15, 2012, when Philosophy and Education were subsumed under the new institute "Institut for Kulturvidenskaber" (Institute for the Study of Culture), which also includes Literature, Media Studies and Cultural Studies.  


Selected Publications:


(2012f) (Forthcoming) "Perspectives on Gesture from Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics" by Kristoffer Jensen, Søren R. Frimodt-Møller and Cynthia M. Grund in ArtsIT2011, a special issue of IJART (International Journal of Art & Technology), Inderscience. (16 pp. ms,)


(2012e) "Photo Essay Recounting the First Set of Lab Sessions - October 13-18, 2012 - for Technological and Aesthetic Investigations of the Physical Movements of Pianists, A Pilot Study under the Aegis of The Transdisciplinary Research Academy (TRA) at Texas Tech University (TTU), Lubbock, Texas." Photo Captions: Cynthia M. Grund and William Westney. Photos: Cynthia M Grund, James Yang, Michael O'Boyle and Courtesy of the Human Centric Design Research Lab, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, TTU. Published on the website  on, Release date: October 22, 2012. 30 pp. including front cover and inside front cover.l


(2012d) Jensen, Krisoffer; Søren R. Frimodt-Moller; and Cynthia M Grund. "From Network to Research - Ten Years of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics” in Arts and Technology Second International Conference, ArtsIT 2011, Esbjerg, Denmark, December 10-11, 2011, Revised Selected PapersSeries: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 101. Brooks, Anthony L. (Ed.) 2012, XII, 177 p. 80 illus. Pp. 71-79.


(2012c) William Westney, Michael O'Boyle, Jinzhou (James) Yang , Cynthia M. Grund. "Musical Movements and Meanings." Video and explanatory text published on YouTube on 31/07/2012 by TTUAcademicsResearch to document the beginning of the research project Technological and Aesthetic Investigations of the Physical Movements of Pianists


(2012b) Grund, C. M. and Westney, W.  "What’s so Mysterious about the Ineffable? Paper presented by Grund and Westney at the NMIMIPA Network Meeting July 22, 2012, King's College London on the occasion of the second annual conference of the RMA-MPSG (Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study Group) held at King’s College London on July 20-21, 2012, pp. 4-6. (Published abstract.)


(2012a) Grund, C. M. and Westney, W. “Music as Sport.” Paper presented (by Grund) at the Annual Meeting of the Danish Philosophical Association/Dansk Filosofisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2012, Roskilde, Denmark. (Published abstract.)


(2011f) Frimodt-Møller, Søren R., Grund, Cynthia M., and Jensen, Kristoffer. "From Network to Research: Ten Years of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics". Peer-reviewed conference proceedings for ArtsIT 2011 - Second International ICST Conference on Arts and Technology December 7-8 - Esbjerg, Denmark. The Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST) 8 pp. Digital conference proceedings.

(2011e) Grund, C.M. and Tosovic, Daniel, producers: Episode in the documentary television program series about the Lunchtime Concert Series at SDU, University of Southern Denmark at Odense. The nearly half-hour long (23:46) episode features concert clips from the February 10, 2011 Lunchtime Concert at SDU as well as interviews in which Gustav Krogh Hansen Piekut, Assoc. Prof. Cynthia M. Grund and Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, PhD participate. Aabenraa, ALT: Aabenraa Lokal TV. The program will be permanently available at During the broadcast week September 26 - October 2, 2011 the program could be viewed on ALT, Aabenraa Lokal TV on the TV Sønderjylland (TV-SDJ) network.


(2011d) Grund, C. M. and Westney, W. "Pathways to Authenticity in Operatic Interpretation." Paper presented by Grund (on site) and Westney (via Skype) at the Inaugural Conference of the Music and Philosophy Study Group (Royal Musical Association) in London, England Department of Music, King's College London,1--2 July 2011,, p. 22. (Published abstract.)


(2011c) Grund, C. M. and Westney, W.  “Narrative and Music: A Flexible Partnership on the Performing Stage and in the Rehearsal Studio.” Working with Stories. Narrative as a Meeting Place for Theory, Analysis and Practice: Proceedings from the 2nd ENN Conference, Kolding 2011, pp. 78-92 at Publisher: European Narratology Network (ENN) | Collected by Per Krogh Hansen, Chairman of the ENN. ISBN: 978-87-994644-0-1.


(2011b) Grund, C. M. and Westney, W.  “Audience as Context/Publikum som kontekst.” Paper presented (by Grund) at the Annual Meeting of the Danish Philosophical Association/Dansk Filosofisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Published abstract.)


(2011a)  Grund, C. M., Frimodt-Møller, S. R. and Lorenzen, J. E. “Editorial.” JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning, vol.9. Accessible online at


(2010g) Grund, Cynthia M.; Araghipour, Janus Høgfeldt; Bonne, Jane; Sjødahl, Carsten; Jensen, Leif; Frimodt-Møller, Søren R. “Musik for folket!”/“Music for the People!” Documentary TV broadcast (in Danish) about the Lunchtime Concert Series at SDU.  Voiceovers and Interviewing by Poul Olsen; Produced by Daniel Tosovic. Aabenraa, ALT: Aabenraa Lokal TV.


(2010f) Grund, C.M and Westney, W. Music, Movement, Performance & Perception: Perspectives on Cross-Disciplinary Research and Teaching within NNIMIPA - Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics. An essay in words and pictures recounting the NordPlus-sponsored Coordination Meeting for NNIMIPA held at the University of Oslo, February 18-19, 2010. Text: Cynthia M. Grund and William Westney. Photography: Cynthia M. Grund. Odense: The Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions at the University of Southern Denmark and NNIMIPA:  Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesethetics, a network supported by NordPlus, 76 pages. ISBN 978-87-92646-11-8. Release date for print version: November 11, 2010. Online version at:


(2010e) Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Kristian Nymoen; Cynthia M. Grund; William Westney; Ståle A. Skogstad. “Video Suite – in Three Movements: Jensenius-Westney-Grund on Motion-capture, Music and Meaning.”Multimodal webpage presentation of original motion-capture video with accompanying audio, including original documentary-and-interview video-and-audio about the motion-capture labwork. Webpage:, finalized on April 25, 2010, on the website for NNIMIPA: Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics, a network funded under The Nordic Council of Ministers' NordPlus Program. NNIMIPA Webmaster and Network Coordinator: C.M. Grund.


(2010d) Grund, C.M. “Filosofiske og æstetiske overvejelser over digitalisering af musik og lyd.” Multimedia presentation and paper  presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Danish Musicological Society/Dansk Selskab for Musikforskning Musik, lyd og digitalisering.  For published abstract, see For online presentation which provided the case studies, see (2010e).

(2010c) Grund, C. M., & Pilegaard, J. “The Real, the Virtual. . . and the Practical.” In Philipsen, H., Agerbæk, L., Kampmann Walter, B., & Strange, B. (red.). Designing New Media: Learning, Communication and Innovation Copenhagen: Academica. 87-110. The book is entirely in English and may be bought at; it may be perused in its entirely at
(2010b) Grund, C. M. “An Examination of the Distinction between Popular and Art Music/En undersøgelse af skelnen mellem populær- og kunstmusik.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Danish Philosophical Association/Dansk Filosofisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2010. Erfaring og opmærksomhed/Experience and Attention, Copenhagen, Danmark.
s.9. (Published abstract.)
(2010a) Grund, C.M and Westney, W. “Music and Meaning: Duets and Dialogues.” TV broadcast (in English after a short voiceover in Danish). Aabenraa, ALT: Aabenraa Lokal TV. Produced by Daniel Tosovic.
(2009h) Grund, C. M., & Christensen, I. F. Interview med avatar Gunhild Soderstrom: Podcast af en varighed 17:38.
Læring og medier, (3).
(2009g). Grund, C. M. Rundvisning med avatar Gunhild Soderstrom: Podcast af en varighed 22:07.
. Læring og medier, (3).
(2009f) Grund, C. M., & Frimodt-Møller, S. R. Editorial. JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning 7, Section 1. vol. JMM7. 10.02.2009. Odense: Section 1.
(2009e) Grund, C.M & Westney, W. “Playing the Ineffable: The Romance of Musical Pragmatism.” Published abstract; Paper presented at Meaning in the Arts: An Interdiscliplinary Conversation, September 11 -12, 2009, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA. (Published abstract.) Link
(2009d) Grund, C. M. Editor and Webmaster, Homepage for the Research Program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound: Cross-Disciplinary Interplay between the Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice,
(2009c) Grund, C. M. Webmaster & Editor-in-Chief. The Philosophy Meets Popular Culture Initiative:
(2009b) Grund, Cynthia M. “Pedagogy and Philosophy Viewed from the Piano Bench: IFPR's Cynthia M. Grund Interviews Incoming H.C. Andersen Guest Professor William Westney.” GymPæd 2.0, (2), 9-10.

(2009a)  Grund, C. M., & Pilegaard, J. “Subjektiv idealisme møder virtuel virkelighed: George Berkeley og Second Life.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Danish Philosophical Association/Dansk Filosofisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2009: Normativitet  At komme til rette med det regelmæssige og det uregerlige/Normativity  Coming to Terms with the Regular and the Unruly, Århus, Denmark., 41-43. (Published abstract). 
(2008f) Grund, Cynthia M. (Webmaster & Editor-in-Chief) Homepage of the Philosophy Meets Popular Culture Initiative: Launch date: October 7, 2008. 
(2008e) Grund, Cynthia M. and Jesper Pilegaard. “Percipitopia: An Educational and Research Tool Utilizing Digital Content Creation and Textual Reappropriation in Second Life.” Paper accepted on the basis of a peer-reviewed abstract and presented by Grund and Pilegaard at Digital Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique: The Second International DREAM Conference, September 18-20, 2008, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. Electronically published at
. (See for entire conference.)
(2008d) Frimodt-Møller, Søren R.; Grund, Cynthia M. Editorial. JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning vol. 6, 30.06.2008. Odense: Section 1.
(2008c) Grund, Cynthia M., Rasmus Blok and Jesper Pilegaard. “Perception and Reality in – and out – of Second Life: Second Life as a Tool for Philosophical Reflection and Instruction at the University of Southern Denmark.” Paper accepted on the basis of a peer-reviewed abstract and presented by Blok at the European University Information Systems Organisation conference EUNIS2008: VISION IT  Vision for IT in Higher Education, June 24 - 27, 2008, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Electronically published at ISBN for electronic publication: 978-87-91234-58-3; ISBN for printed publication: 978-87-91234-56-9.
(2008b) Grund, Cynthia M. (Producer); Pilegaard, Jesper (Producer) Percipitopia ( An experiment in museum teaching and research within the context of a rendering of Whitehall – Irish philosopher George Berkeley's American home 1729-1731 – and envirions on the virtual campus of SDU in Second Life.
(2008a) Grund, Cynthia M. “Issues of Meaning and Interpretation Raised by Diagetic versus Non-diagetic Use of Music in Television and Film.” Conference: Sense Perception, Epistemology and Aesthetics/Sansning, Erkendelsesteori og Æstetik. The Annual Meeting of the Danish Philosophical Association 2008/Dansk Filosofisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2008, Odense, Danmark, 7. marts 2008 – 8. marts 2008. Research: Published abstract pp. 28-29.
(2007c) Frimodt-Møller, Søren R. ; Grund, Cynthia M. Editorial. JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning vol. JMM5, 27.10.2007. Odense: Section 1. 
(2007b) Grund, Cynthia M. “How Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Interface with Music-And-Meaning Studies: Overview of Panelists' Suggestions for Discussion Topics.” Proceedings of the 2007 International Computer Music Conference, August 27-31, 2007. Copenhagen, Denmark. San Francisco and Copenhagen: The International Computer Music Association and Re:New – Digital Arts Forum, pp. 133-136. ISBN: 0-9713192-5-1.
(2007a) Grund, Cynthia M.; Frimodt-Møller, Søren R. Editorial. JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning vol. JMM4, 20.05.2007. Odense: Section 1.
(2006c) Grund, Cynthia M. “Mad, betydning . . . og så opstår musikken ud af lyd”. Tankeføde – om mad, måltider og fødevarer i sammenhæng. Steen Brock, Anders Moe Rasmussen and Brian Benjamin Hansen, eds. Aarhus: Philosophia, pp. 191-200. ISBN: 87-88663-29-9.
(2006b) Grund, Cynthia M. “A Philosophical Wish List for Research in Music Information Retrieval.” (Poster) ISMIR 2006: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Roger Dannenberg, Kjell Lemström and Adam Tindale, eds. Victoria: University of Victoria, pp. 383-384. ISBN-13: 978-1-55058-349-6; ISBN-10:1-55058-349-2.
(2006a) Grund, Cynthia M. “Interdisciplinarity and Computer Music Modeling and Information Retrieval: When Will the Humanities Get into the Act.” Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, LNCS 3902. Richard Kronland-Martinet, Thierry Voinier and Sølvi Ystad, eds. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 265-273. ISSN: 0302-9743; ISBN-10: 3-540-34027-0; !SBN-13: 978-3-540-34027-0. (Available at with institutional access).
(2005b) Grund, Cynthia M. “Double Jeopardy: The Interdisciplinary Study of Music and Meaning:” “Viewpoint” in Danish Yearbook of Musicology, Vol. 32, 2004 pp. 9-14. ISBN: 87-88328-23-6; ISSN: 0416-6884. Online at
(2005a) Grund, Cynthia M. “Music Information Retrieval, Memory and Culture: Some Philosophical Remarks.” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Joshua D. Reiss and Geraint A. Wiggins, eds. London: Queen Mary, University of London, pp. 8-12. ISBN: 0-9551179-0-9. (For ISMIR2005 online proceedings, please see
(2004) Grund, Cynthia M. “Værløse Bymidte Pakket ind i Lyrik og NTSMB: Netværk for Tværvidenskabelige studier af Musik og Betydning: To udgangspunkter for undersøgelsen af samspillet mellem verbal og ikkeverbal betydning.” Artikel i Kodexbogen [bogkataloget] for lyrikinstallationen Pak Værløse Bymidte ind i lyrik: Værløse Bymidte den 3 – 12 sept 2004 v/digteren Jan Hatt-Olsen, pp. 15-19. ISBN: 87-90739-09-4. Online at
(2001) Grund, Cynthia M. “Music, Logic and Intentionality.” Proceedings from the FWO Research Society on Foundations of Music Research-sponsored. Symposium Music and Logic, University of Ghent, January 19, 2001, Chapter 2, 11 pp.
(1998b) Grund, Cynthia M. “From Speech Act to Music Act: Some Thoughts on Intentionality and Music.” Les Universaux en musique. Costin Miereanu & Xavier Hascher, eds. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 179-189.
(1998a) Grund, Cynthia M. “The Emergence of Music from Sound: The View from a Combined Quasi-Realist and Fictionalist Perspective.” Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica No. 91: Emergence, Complexity. Hierarchy, Organization  Selected and edited papers from ECHO III. Edited by George L. Farre and Tarkko Oksala. Espoo: The Finnish Academy of Technology: 305-314.
(1997b) Grund, Cynthia M. “Intentionality, Food and Music: A Fictionalist Approach.” Metaforer i kultur og samfund. Edited by Carsten Hansen. Copenhagen: Københavns Universitet Amager, 61-98. For web version, see
(1997a) Grund, Cynthia M. Constitutive Counterfactuality: The Logic of Interpretation in Metaphor and Music. Copenhagen: Askeladden 1997, ISBN 87-89288-18-1.
(1996d) Grund, Cynthia M. “De 12 spørgsmål: Nogle tanker om science fiction-film og filosofi.” Inquirer Nr. 59/60 Juni, 28-30.Forlag: Institut for Film, TV og Kommunikation, Københavns Universitet Amager, ISSN 0907-7960. Online at

(1996c) Grund, Cynthia M. “Kierkegaard: Metaphor and the Musical Erotic.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, Vol. 31, 65-88.
(1996b) Grund, Cynthia M. “Fictionalism: A Neglected Context for Studies in Musical Signification.” Contemporary Music Review 1996, Vol 16, Part 7, 119-128.

(1996a) Grund, Cynthia M. “Jeremy Bentham's Theory of Fictions: Some Reflections on Its Implications for Musical Semiosis and Ontology.” Musical Semiotics in Growth. Edited by Eero Tarasti. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 55-71.
(1995) Grund, Cynthia M. “How Philosophical Characterizations of a Musical Work Lose Sight of the Music and How It Might Be Put Back.” Musical Signification: Essays in the Semiotic Theory and Analysis of Music. Edited by Eero Tarasti. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter: 63-79.
(1989) Grund, Cynthia M. and Farre, George L. “Some Remarks on Computer Art and Its Ontology.” In So Many Words - Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Sven Danielsson on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday. Uppsala: Philosophical Society and the Department of Philosophy University of Uppsala, Sweden: 17-28.
(1988) Grund, Cynthia M. “Metaphors, Counterfactuals and Music” - Essays on the Philosophy of Music.Acta Philosophica Fennica, Vol. 43. Editors: Veikko Rantala, Lewis Rowell and Eero Tarasti. Helsinki: The Philosophical Society of Finland: 28-53.
(1987) Grund, Cynthia M. and Kurkela, Kari. “Notation and Its Interpretation: Music Theoretical Concepts, Especially for Studies in the Performance of Music.” The Semiotic Web 86: An International Yearbook. Editors: Thomas Sebeok and Jean Umiker-Sebeok. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin: 484-490.





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