Archived posts from 2010







  • December 8, 2010: Be there or be square :-):


Lunchtime Concert, NU ER DET JUL. Cynthia M. Grund, piano; Nickolaj Nottelmann, tenor and piano; Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, violin. Thursday, December 9, 2010, 12  noon - 1 p.m.  in Cafeteria 4, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M.For program and poster, please see HERE.









  • November 23, 2010: Two new releases



    TV-documentary: "Musik for folket!" (in Danish) on SDU's lunchtime concert series airs November 22-29, 2010 on ALTV and is permanently available from November 22 HERE.




    Book: Music, Movement, Performance & Perception: Perspectives on Cross-Disciplinary Research and Teaching within NNIMIPA - Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics. An essay in words and pictures recounting the NordPlus-sponsored Coordination Meeting for NNIMIPA held at the University of Oslo, February 18-19, 2010. Text: Cynthia M. Grund and William Westney. Photography: Cynthia M. Grund. Print release on November 11, 2010. Online version available HERE.


    . . . and Wednesday-Friday, November 17-19 I so enjoyed attending Nordisk Klaverforum (Nordic Piano Forum) in at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. For program, please see HERE.




    • November 7, 2010: November is off to a running start after a fruitful and pleasant visit to Canada for the American Society for Aesthetics meeting in Vicforia (see below).

           During the week beginning with November 8 a lot is happening: Sigrún Lilja Einarsdóttir comes down from Bifröst University, Iceland to give lectures at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Odense on November 8 (see here), at Esbjerg Institute of Technology/Aalborg University in Esbjerg on November 10 (see here) and at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense November 11 (see here), the latter as part of Theme Day: Music for the People! This theme day on Thursday, November 11 kicks off with a Lunchtime Concert in Cafeteria 4 with Janus Araghipour at the Steinway grand playing luscious works of Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, Scribin and Bartok. After the concert there will be two seminars, the aforementioned one with Sigrún Lilja Einarsdóttir  - The Beauty of Technical Imperfection: Choral Members´ Perceptions of Aesthetic Issues in Performance - and another with Kean Andrew Bruhn and Line S. Kristoffersen, both graduates of SDU-Odense - Be a Part of the Crowd; Join Glee Today! - Groups, Culture and the Glee of Show-Choir. Once again, please see here for the full program.

         . . . and between the acts, yours truly will be presenting Relationship of Gesture to Communicative Authenticity in Performance (seehere) together with William Westney (via Skype) on Wednesday, November 10 at Research Day, held by and for the Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark at Hindsgavl Castle in Middlefart, Denmark.



         October will be just as eventful: Søren R. Frimodt-Møller's PhD-defense will be held at SDU on October 7, with a committee consisting of Catherine Z. Elgin, Daniel Bonevac and Lars Ole Sauerberg. The following day there will be a panel discussion at SDU on the topic "Music as Philosophical Microcosmos" with Kate and Dan participating. The week after that yours truly takes off to Oslo for the NordForsk "kick-off" for new networks - see,11. The month concludes with presentations of research on which William Westney and I are currently working; we will present together at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics in Victoria, Canada on Saturday, October 30, as well as trans-Atlantically at TTU and SDU via Skype at a research seminar at SDU on October 21, where William will be present via Skype, as he also will be for the above-mentioned panel discussion on October 8. Again, please keep an eye on for details.





    • September 12. 2010: I hope that everyone has had a pleasant summer. The fall is now in full swing at The Aesthetics of Music and Sound,, and the site is being updated continually. Updates are also soon in store for




    • June 30, 2010: NordForsk awards a grant of 571,239 Norwegian kroner to NNIMIPA for 2010-2013.The Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics (NNIMIPA - becomes a research network under NordForsk ( on September 1, 2010. Nordforsk contacted chief applicant Cynthia M. Grund on June 30 to announce the award of 571,239 Norwegian kroner (ca. 535,000 Danish kroner/88,000 US dollars) for 2010-2013. The decision was made by the director of NordForsk following an evaluation carried out by a panel of independent experts.




    • On June 13, 2010, a  "Preview" tab was added's menu bar in order to inform about upcoming events, also those for which a date has yet to be fixed.
           For all that has gone on in May 2010 and previously, please see "Archive for 'Updates' " available in the right-hand column on nearly every page of and the calendar available on the menu tab "Events/Calendar" on the site's menu bar.




    • After the  conversational lecture with performance elements - "Texts, Choices, and Musical Performances" - given by William Westney and yours truly and hosted on June 2 by the Research Group "Choice and Text" within the Institute of Language and Communication at SDU, Odense -focus shifts to exams during the next few weeks and thereafter to summer projects. News and updates will, as always, be available on this site as well as on the sites listed to the right in the column "Websites and Webpages."     




    • . . . May 24-May 31 the action moved to Iceland. Please see the menu tab "Bifröst" on for  the homepage for the course "'If I could say it, I wouldn’t have to dance it' (Isadora Duncan): A Philosophical Investigation of Multimodality" taught by William Westney and Cynthia M. Grund at Bifröst U., Iceland, May 25-28 as part of a course exchange with SDU. On the menu tab "Reykjavik" you can read more about the concert with William Westney which was given at Salurinn, Friday evening, May 28, as well as the conference Music, Meaning and Method held in Reykjavik on May 29.


      . . .  and, back in England, . . . thanks to all who attended the benefit concert  in London on May 22, 2010 given by  William Westney for overseas charities and hosted by the Rotary Eclub of London Centenary 2010 with the cooperation of the Rotary Clubs of Greater London. Please see here  as well as Poster: here.




      • Thanks to all who attended the lunchtime concert at 12:00 noon on Monday, May 17 with William Westney at the Steinway grand in Cafeteria 4 at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense. Please see here for details.




      • Tuesday, May 18 was the occasion of the open research colloquium Music, Meaning and Empathy at SDU-Odense, Room O77, 10:00-17:00. This was the 16th national meeting of NTSMB - Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning (Netværk for Tværvidenskabelige Studier af Musik og Betydning). Please see here for details. Thanks to all who attended and made this an interesting and productive day. 




      • A Facebook group -here - for the research program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound was established on April 28, and all are welcome to join. As a member you can receive updates about activities sponsored by the research program, pose questions, and share information. 




      • Thanks to  JANUS ARAGHIPOUR  &  the   hundreds  of  guests who came by Cafeteria 4 at SDU Odense  Thursday, April 29,  for the lunchtime concert FLYGLET DANSER! (The Piano Dances!) a celebration of the Danish Dansens Dage/Days of Dance 2010. Janus performed - brilliantly! - a program (here) of classical and modern music inspired by dance styles throughout the years




      New Book:     Designing       New     Media:    Learning,  Communication and Innovation. Jesper Pilegaard and I have a chapter in this book, which has just been published in April, 2010 by Academica, entirely in English.  The chapter presents our Percipitopia project on the virtual SDU-campus in Second Life and discusses diverse philosophical, pedagogical and design issues which it raises (for some online artilcles about the project, see here and here.)  For the book, see  and



      • For archived posts from 2011, please see here.








      Websites & Webpages:


      Brief Bio»



      Selective CV (including contact information and selected publications)»



      The Aesthetics of Music and Sound -Cross-Discliplinary Interplay Between the Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice»


      Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics»


      JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning»


      NTSMB: The Cross-Disciplinary Network for Studies of Music and Meaning»


      The Philosophy Meets Popular Culture Initiative»


      Wikipedia article (in Danish)»



      Recent media»

      • TV-documentary "Musik for folket!" (in Danish) on SDU's lunchtime concert series airs November 22-29, 2010 on ALTV and is permanently available from November 22, 2010»


      • "Music and Meaning: Duets and Dialogues. TV broadcast (in English after a short voiceover in Danish)»

      • Guided tour of Percipitopia and interview in the person of avatar Gunhild Soderstrom»







           © 2012 Cynthia M. Grund | site design by Cynthia M. Grund, webmaster.  Site design tools and hosting provided by

           Photo: Artie Limmer